Izzy Fenwick

Emerging director for Aotearoa circle, passionate about business for impact and youth-voice in governance.

After the passing of her father, the late Sir Rob Fenwick, one of New Zealand’s leading environmentalists and businessmen, Izzy dedicated herself to continuing his mission – to protect and restore Aotearoa for future generations. 

Stepping into some of her father’s circles, Izzy saw the drastic imbalance of who was being represented there and the significant impact of her unique perspective.  Being from another generation, Izzy’s experiences and expectations were significantly different which created more robust conversations about potential initiatives and priorities. 

Izzy saw an opportunity in this blended intergenerational approach to connect more rangatahi (next generation) change makers, with our current decision makers. Weaving more diverse and innovative solutions and perspectives will drive the long term change that New Zealand’s organisations need.

With this in mind, she founded FENWICK - a recruitment and talent management agency that connects next generation advisors with leading organisations.

Done on a gig-by-gig basis, to ensure the right rangatahi (next generation) talent are positioned with the right organisations, FENWICK stays involved through the entire engagement to support, enable and ensure impactful, generational outcomes.

Izzy is also a Guardian of The Aotearoa Circle, an organisation that brings together public and private sector leaders, in the pursuit of sustainable prosperity and reversing the decline of New Zealand’s natural resources, in her role on the board as Emerging Director.

 Izzy’s skills and interests sit at the crossroad of corporate performance and sustainability.She believes that the two are not mutually exclusive and that well designed sustainable development benefits people, planet and business.. Izzy also believes that a lot of the change required to shift New Zealand’s business sector into one that restores and sustains Aotearoa will require a significant shift in mindset and human behaviours. Experienced in human centred design, and previously the Sustainability Design Principle, at DNA Design, leading a design practice she created to help organisations start or accelerate the transition to a sustainably cleaner, healthier and more socially inclusive future — by reviewing and redesigning operations, services and products.