
Hon Priyanca Radhakrishnan

The minister battling for equitable access to housing, work and education for all

Priyanca Radhakrishnan is currently the Minister for the Community and Voluntary Sector, Minister for Diversity, Inclusion and Ethnic Communities, Minister for Youth, and Associate Minister for Social Development and Employment. She is the first person of Indian origin to become a Minister in New Zealand. 

Priyanca has spent her work life advocating on behalf of people whose voices are often unheard – survivors of domestic violence, and migrant workers who have been exploited. Priyanca strongly believes that everyone – regardless of ethnicity, gender, sexuality or socio-economic status – should have the opportunity to live with dignity. To her, that means equitable access to affordable housing, quality education and decent, secure work.

Priyanca has lived and worked overseas, and in Aotearoa New Zealand in various roles, including as a policy advisor to former Labour MP, Hon Phil Goff. She was born in India, went to school in Singapore, and then moved to New Zealand to further her education. She has a Master of Development Studies from Victoria University and lives in Auckland with her husband and two lovely rescue dogs.